Easing Functions

PRActionEaseBackIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Back In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Applies a factor making the effect more or less pronounced. A value of 1 here will use the default effect strength. 2 will double the effect, 0.5 will half it, etc.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseBackInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Back In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Applies a factor making the effect more or less pronounced. A value of 1 here will use the default effect strength. 2 will double the effect, 0.5 will half it, etc.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseBackOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Back Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Applies a factor making the effect more or less pronounced. A value of 1 here will use the default effect strength. 2 will double the effect, 0.5 will half it, etc.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCircularIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Circular In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCircularInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Circular In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCircularOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Circular Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCubicIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Cubic In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCubicInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Cubic In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseCubicOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Cubic Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseExponentialIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Exponential In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseExponentialInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Exponential In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseExponentialOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Exponential Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseLinear(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Linear

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuadraticIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quadratic In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuadraticInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quadratic In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuadraticOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quadratic Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuarticIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quartic In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuarticInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quartic In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuarticOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quartic Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuinticIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quintic In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuinticInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quintic In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseQuinticOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Quintic Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseSinusoidalIn(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Sinusoidal In

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseSinusoidalInOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Sinusoidal In/Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

PRActionEaseSinusoidalOut(currentTime, startValue, deltaValue, duration, data1)


Easing function - Sinusoidal Out

  • currentTime Real

The current time value. For example, the current frame or step of the animation.

  • startValue Real

The starting value of the property being changed.

  • deltaValue Real

The amount that the property needs to change by.

  • duration Real

The total time/duration that the animation takes to complete.

  • data1 Real

Tweak value. Not used for this easing equation.


Returns the value of the property at the given current time.

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