PRAction structures are created and returned by each of the PRActionCreate* functions included within the PRAction extension. You use these structures by passing them as parameters to the PRPlayAction method defined in the oPRObject object. Most of the time these structures are good to go as-is but there are a handful of methods defined in this structure that can be useful when needed.
Sets the action's ease function. Container type actions don't have assigned easing functions, so trying to set the easing function for one of these types of actions won't actually do anything. Note that setting the easing function for an action that utilizes the data1 value for tweaks, that data1 value will be reset to its default value for that action.
The function to set. Must be one of the PRActionEase* functions.
Sets the action's data 1 property. Affects certain easing types. See documentation for the specific easing function for information on how this value is used.
The new value for the property.
Sets the action's data 2 property. Affects certain actions. See documentation for the specific action function for information on how this value is used.
The new value for the property.