Note: This PRAction documentation is out-dated and is for an older (pre-GMS v2.3) version of PRAction. For the most up-to-date docs on the latest version of PRAction, please refer to this page as well as the documentation included in the PRAction package.
Specifies an alpha by action. This type of action causes an object's image_alpha property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies an alpha to action. This type of action causes an object's image_alpha property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies an image blend by action. This type of action causes an object's image_blend property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies an image blend to action. This type of action causes an object's image_blend property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a change layer action. This type of action instantly causes an object’s layer property to change to the given value.
Specifies a custom color script action. This type of action runs the given script at each frame (step), passing it a color-type argument that is updated each frame until the destination (to) value is reached.
Specifies a custom color variable action. This type of action animates/updates the given color-type instance variable at each frame (step), until the destination (to) value is reached.
Specifies a 1-argument custom script action. This type of action runs the given script at each frame (step), passing it one numeric-type argument that is updated each frame until the destination (to) value is reached.
Specifies a 2-argument custom script action. This type of action runs the given script at each frame (step), passing it two numeric-type arguments that are updated each frame until the destination (to) values are reached.
Specifies a custom color variable by action. This type of action causes the given color-type instance variable to change over time by the given delta color component amounts relative to their current values.
Specifies a custom color variable to action. This type of action causes the given color-type instance variable to change over time until the destination (to) color is reached.
Specifies a custom variable by action. This type of action causes the given numeric-type instance variable to change over time by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a custom variable to action. This type of action causes the given numeric-type instance variable to change over time until the destination (to) value is reached.
Specifies a depth by action. This type of action causes an object's depth property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a depth to action. This type of action causes an object's depth property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a destroy object action. This type of action causes a given object to be destroyed instantly.
Specifies a go to room action. This type of action causes a given room to run.
Specifies a group action. This type of action is a container that causes the actions within it to play simultaneously. The actions within can be other container actions.
Specifies a hide action. This type of action instantly causes an object’s visible property to change to false.
Specifies an image speed by action. This type of action causes an object's image_speed property to animate by a given amount relative to it's current value.
Specifies an image speed to action. This type of action causes an object's image_speed property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a move by action. This type of action causes an object's x and y properties to animate by given amounts relative to its current values.
Specifies a move to action. This type of action causes an object's x and y properties to animate to given absolute amounts.
Specifies a move X by action. This type of action causes an object's x property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a move X to action. This type of action causes an object's x property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a move Y by action. This type of action causes an object's y property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a move Y to action. This type of action causes an object’s y property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a play action action. This type of action instantly causes the given action to play.
Specifies a play sound action. This type of action instantly causes the given sound to play.
Specifies a repeat action. This type of action is a container that causes the action within it to play repeatedly. The action within can be another container action.
Specifies a rotate by action. This type of action causes an object's image_angle property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a rotate to action. This type of action causes an object's image_angle property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a run script action. This type of action instantly runs the given script with up to 8 optional arguments.
Specifies a run user event action. This type of action instantly runs the given user event.
Specifies a scale by action. This type of action causes an object's image_xscale and image_yscale properties to animate by given amounts relative to its current values.
Specifies a scale to action. This type of action causes an object's image_xscale and image_yscale properties to animate to given absolute amounts.
Specifies a scale X by action. This type of action causes an object's image_xscale property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a scale X to action. This type of action causes an object's image_xscale property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a scale Y by action. This type of action causes an object's image_yscale property to animate by a given amount relative to its current value.
Specifies a scale Y to action. This type of action causes an object's image_yscale property to animate to a given absolute amount.
Specifies a set variable action. This type of action causes an object's instance variable to change to a given value instantly.
Specifies a sprite index action. This type of action instantly causes an object’s sprite_index and/or image_index properties to change to the given value(s).
Specifies a stop action action. This type of action instantly causes the given action to stop playing.
Specifies a stop all actions action. This type of action instantly causes all of an object's actions to stop playing.
Specifies a stop sound action. This type of action instantly causes the given sound to stop playing.
Specifies a stop sound all sounds action. This type of action instantly causes all currently playing sounds to stop playing.
Specifies an unhide action. This type of action instantly causes an object’s visible property to change to true.
Specifies a wait action. This type of action does nothing (waits) for the given length of time.