Note: This PRAction documentation is out-dated and is for an older (pre-GMS v2.3) version of PRAction. For the most up-to-date docs on the latest version of PRAction, please refer to this page as well as the documentation included in the PRAction package.
Plays the given action within the context of the given object. The action object can be reused (played) again for this or any other object at any point in time. Provide an optional name that can be used to reference the playing action later on with PRActionStop. There is no limit to the number of actions that can be played for a given object. Each additional action played will not interrupt other currently playing actions.
PRActionPlay(obj, action, optionalName)
The object instance that will play the given action.
The action object previously created with one of the action creation functions.
A name string given to the action while it's playing. Can be used to reference the playing action at a later time. (Optional)
The slot id that the action is assigned while it's playing within the context of the object. Can be used to reference the playing action at a later time.