Note: This PRAction documentation is out-dated and is for an older (pre-GMS v2.3) version of PRAction. For the most up-to-date docs on the latest version of PRAction, please refer to this page as well as the documentation included in the PRAction package.
Specifies a "Back In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly, reversing briefly at first, and then speed up as it progresses.
Specifies a "Back In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Back In" equation and the second half uses the "Back Out” equation.
Specifies a "Back Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, and finally plays in reverse briefly as it comes to a stop.
Specifies a "Circular In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a more dramatic curve than the quadratic equation.
Specifies a "Circular In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Circular In" equation and the second half uses the "Circular Out” equation.
Specifies a "Circular Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a more dramatic curve than the quadratic equation.
Specifies a "Cubic In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using only a slighty more dramatic curve than the sinusoidal equation.
Specifies a "Cubic In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Cubic In" equation and the second half uses the "Cubic Out” equation.
Specifies a "Cubic Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using only a slightly more dramatic curve than the sinusoidal equation.
Specifies an "Exponential In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a more dramatic curve than the quintic equation.
Specifies an "Exponential In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Exponential In" equation and the second half uses the "Exponential Out" equation.
Specifies an "Exponential Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a more dramatic curve than the quintic equation.
Specifies "Linear" easing. Linear easing causes an animation to occur evenly over its duration.
Specifies a "Quadratic In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a slighty more dramatic curve than the cubic equation.
Specifies a "Quadratic In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Quadratic In" equation and the second half uses the "Quadratic Out" equation.
Specifies a "Quadratic Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a slightly more dramatic curve than the cubic equation.
Specifies a "Quartic In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a more dramatic curve than the circular equation.
Specifies a "Quartic In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Quartic In" equation and the second half uses the "Quartic Out" equation.
Specifies a "Quartic Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a more dramatic curve than the circular equation.
Specifies a "Quintic In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a more dramatic curve than the quartic equation.
Specifies a "Quintic In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Quintic In" equation and the second half uses the "Quintic Out" equation.
Specifies a "Quintic Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a more dramatic curve than the quartic equation.
Specifies a "Sinusoidal In" easing equation, which causes an animation to start off slowly at first and then speed up as it progresses, using a gentle sine curve.
Specifies a "Sinusoidal In/Out" easing equation, in which the first half of the animation's motion uses the "Sinusoidal In" equation and the second half uses the "Sinusoidal Out" equation.
Specifies a "Sinusoidal Out" easing equation, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow down as it completes, using a gentle sine curve.